Go Johnnie Challenge

During these first couple weeks of the semester, the athletes have been trickling in to check on Joe and I and there always seems to be a group of guys training at the track. They are excited about the new indoor track and want to train on it.  I have had to kick a few outside as there is no reason to be training indoors when it is 70 degrees and sunny!

Thursday (today) is our big annual Go Johnnies Challenge fundraising event. I shared some of the information last week and want to show more details of how your generous donations will help the team this year. Most of the donations will go to three main areas: competition trips, equipment, and bonus coaches. 

Competition trips include the cross country team traveling to Oregon in the fall and the track team going to California in the spring. We want our guys to know we value and support them, and will provide competitive opportunities to help them reach their athletic goals. Therefore we pay all of the expenses for the athletes- that ensures equity for all athletes and does not put undue burden on families. 

Our equipment needs vary each year. The areas requiring regular replacements are pole vault poles and throwing equipment. (Seriously, if someone can come up with a weight implement that lasts longer than one season, you will get a high five from me.)  Also, we have been adding weight training equipment to the indoor track for our entire team to utilize. The extra training equipment near the track means the guys can finish their workout without needing to go into a crowded weight room and saves time for our guys.    

Finally, we use some of the money to help pay our part-time coaches. We are very fortunate to have some great help and I want to make sure they are compensated for their help. These coaches include: our vault coach, John Pollack who has been a tremendous asset, Maxwell Kuzara who has proven a great right-hand-man for Tim and the distance guys, and Drew Schoenbauer who has had a big impact on the sprint crew. We would not be as successful without those guys. This year we will have one coaching change as Drew has moved out to Colorado and we will replace him with another member of the 2019 National Championship 4x100 team: Brady Labine. We are excited to have John, Maxwell and Brady with us this year.  

Here again are the three options to help out our 2022-23 Track and Field team (see below). You can simply make a donation or create a matching gift to encourage others with your donation. We have a few matching gifts already created; you can see on the donation page. Also, please help spread the word and share this information with your teammates, friends and family. We have been so fortunate for your support in the past, we hope you consider continuing that tradition. Remember, all of your donations go directly to the cross country /track and field team. 

Here are three ways you can help the cross country/track and field teams for the Go Johnnies Challenge:

  1. Donate: Support the Cross Country/Track & Field Teams through a donation. Make sure to set Cross Country/Track & Field as the designation.

  2. Spread the word! While Tim, Joe, and I have extensive social media networks, we can still use all the help we can get. Seriously, some of us are still trying to figure out how to operate our phones. 

  3. Matching gifts are a great way to encourage others to donate. Make sure to set Cross Country/Track & Field as the matching designation.

    • Set up a Matching Gift

    • Enter dollar amount and decide if you will make the full gift regardless if the match is not completely met (check box)

    • Select “Other” and enter a dollar amount to give and check the “Per donor” box

    • Select the Match a designation box and select the designation you want to match

    • Fill out the rest of the form