James Berg


Events: 1500, 5K, 10K

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Rogers, MN

High School: Rogers High School


My proudest moment in my career here was running my first college track 5K and 10K during Sophomore year.

I am a Biology major with a history minor. I am also pre-Med. After graduation I would like to attend medical school and become a pediatrician.

I chose St. John’s because when I visited I was met with an amazing close-knit community with one of a kind people that truly help make the place feel like home. It is also arguably one of the most gorgeous campuses in the country. Being surrounded by beautiful lakes and acres of woods truly helps make it special and is another big reason for why I decided to call this place home.

There are many funny memories with the team. Every day at practice is always fun along with the bus rides to meets with the boys.

Q & A:

Q: Which coach would you pick to live on a deserted island with and why?

A: Tim Miles, he would have so many entertaining stories.

Q: If you were in the coliseum and were challenged to fight wiener dogs, what is the highest number of wiener dogs you could defeat?

A: One wiener dog...It was one big wiener dog.

Q: Would you rather be the world's greatest racquetball player or have $20 right now?

A: World's greatest racquetball player. Could you imagine the number of endorsements I would get?... Yeah, probably not a lot, but I bet I could make more than $20...Hopefully.